Deep Purple Color

April 24, 2024
learn design

The deep purple color is one that has captured the attention of artists and designers for years. Whether used as a stand-alone color, in combination with other colors, or in any artistic medium, the deep purple color is striking in appearance and makes an impression. 

rgb(128, 0, 128)











Color Conversions

Color Model Code
HEX #800080
RGB (128, 0, 128)
HSL (300°, 100%, 25%)
HSV (300°, 100%, 25%)
CMYK (0.00, 1.00, 0.00, 0.50)

Real Design Examples 👇🏽


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Best Match

Deep Purple Color

There are two deep purple colors that have been given an official ISCC-NBS (also known as NCS) identification number: Violet (5PB) and Dark Purple (9P). They are on the same hue family, but not the same wavelength. 

The knowledge of these two colors can help you make the right color choices for your design.

Eminence - #6C3082

Eminence color hex code

Purple - #800080

Purple color hex code

Purple is a color in the visible spectrum that is a mixture of red and blue light. The additive secondary color purple is made by combining red and blue in equal amounts pure (100% each). On the RGB color wheel purple is located between magenta and violet. 

Best Color Combinations with Purple

Purple color combination example
Purple color combination example 2

Related: Purple Gradients

Made ın webflow
Design with Figma