Colors on People: How Colors Effect a person?

September 28, 2024

The study of how colors affect a person, known as color psychology, has fascinated researchers, artists, marketers, and designers for centuries. Understanding the intricate relationship between colors and human psychology can unlock a powerful tool for enhancing our daily experiences, influencing decision-making processes, and even shaping the atmosphere of physical spaces.

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In this article, a writer from service, where you can buy personal statement delves into the captivating world of color psychology, exploring how various colors impact our minds and bodies.

1. Bright colors train memory

When a person focuses on certain stimuli, the chance of those stimuli going into long-term memory is higher. And colors are good at attracting attention. This rule is used in marketing and sales. 

A customer is more likely to remember a colorful and eye-catching ad than a black-and-white one, and a client is more likely to focus on a bright presentation rather than boring slides with text.

There is an opinion that warm hues - yellow, red, and orange - have a more significant effect on memory than, for example, brown or gray. It's not the colors that cause the impact but the feelings that arise when you look at them. 

For example, red - a symbol of passion, strength, aggression, and gray such bright associations can not boast. In this case, memorization is essential not only for the shade itself but also for high contrast. This may be why well-known companies are so popular with logos with bright text on a neutral background.

The peculiarity of color to crash into memory can help during the study. For example, to fix foreign words in your head faster, it is better to write them down on yellow stickers rather than on white ones. And emphasize essential terms in your notes with a contrasting highlighter. By the way, the use of colored marks makes reading easier, even for people with dyslexia.

2. Colorful interiors increase productivity

People work more efficiently in a colorful interior. This conclusion was reached in 2018 by a group of scientists who analyzed 40 different studies on this topic. Moreover, it turned out that white walls can increase the number of errors, and the choice of specific "helping" shades depends on the type of work. According to some data, red allows you to solve cognitive tasks better, and blue - is creative.

However, before you repaint the wallpaper, it is essential to consider subjective perception. Thus, some people are stimulated by the red color in the room, while others are distracted and even irritated. Therefore, to begin with, it is better to dilute the neutral interior with small bright dots. For example, get a red diary or hang a colorful poster on the wall.

3. The colors of dishes and utensils affect the appetite

You've probably heard that the color of words can affect portion size. To test this, scientists offered women the same meal - pasta with tomato sauce and soft drinks. Participants who got neutral white plates ate less. And those who used black and red ones did have a better appetite.

The unnatural color of food can generally discourage the desire to eat. Scientists found this out half a century ago. They offered the study participants an unusual dinner: blue steak, red peas, and green fries.

The meal began in dim lighting to hide the actual color of the food. When the room became bright, the "inappropriate" food coloring caused decreased appetite and even nausea in some participants. Modern research confirms that food of an unfamiliar color can seem less appealing. For example, images of cookies in shades of red, blue, and black and white don't look as enticing as the familiar yellow.

4. The color of clothing creates a first impression

The color of clothing has been paid attention to in the distant past. For example, the laws of Medieval Europe allowed only the nobility to wear purple clothes, the dye extracted from sea mollusks. And in China, the yellow color was chosen by emperors - it symbolized power and prosperity. Different shades could emphasize a person's place in the social hierarchy and his financial status.

In modern culture, color is still an essential means of communication. For example, red is associated with success in martial arts, team sports, and computer games. So English soccer teams, whose members wore red uniforms, won more often than others. Scientists assume that the bright hue somehow worsened the play of opponents.

And yet you should not bet only on color if you choose an image for an important event - the subjective perception of the interlocutor may outweigh. Take black, for example. It is believed that it increases attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex, but in some situations can cause an adverse reaction. For example, suspects of wrongdoing in dark clothing are perceived as more guilty than those in light-colored clothing.

5. Coloristics helps to recognize mental problems

The colors with which a person describes different emotions can correlate with mental disorders. For example, patients with anxiety or depression are more likely to see their moods as gray. As a rule, healthy people do not associate their psychological state with any shade or choose yellow. Saturation is also essential. Thus, people with anxiety prefer dark blue, and healthy people prefer light blue.

Color can be analyzed within the framework of art therapy - a direction in psychotherapy that helps people better understand themselves using creative techniques. Patients create collages, draw, take photographs, and then discuss the work with a specialist. Art therapy is used to reduce symptoms of depression, stimulate mental activity in patients with dementia, and reduce pain in serious diagnoses.

Some elements of art therapy can be added to everyday life. For example, coloring helps relieve stress - a person concentrates on choosing colors and temporarily disconnects from external worries.

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